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Thirsty? 3/12/23

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  • What Quenches Your Spirit?,  Trinity Lutheran Church, Brattleboro, VT, March 12, 2023
  • John 4:13  Jesus said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty…”
  • What feeds your spirit?  Some of us are “fed,” or brought to an awareness of God’s presence, by exercise, or worship, or a walk in the woods, or watching a sunrise, or a bible study. 
  • Recognize and feed the hunger. What is it that brings you closer to God’s peace and the life you are meant to live?  It is about the spirit in us - that living water.  Own it. You are your own spiritual manager.
  • Pastor Jon Heydenreich presides, assisted by Ron Solberg, and Micaela Carlton Newton as reader, and Laura Josephs on piano.
  • No matter who you are in your walk of faith, or where you are in that journey, you are invited to the communion table at Trinity Lutheran Church. Trinity Lutheran Church is an ELCA congregation, more or less traditional and relaxed, and a Reconciling in Christ congregation where all are welcome.
Production Date: 
Sunday, March 12, 2023 - 13:45

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