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Balance 10/15/23

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  • Find the Balance, Trinity Lutheran Church, Brattleboro, VT, October 15, 2023
  • Matthew 22: 4 Jesus taught: "The kingdom of heaven (peace) may be compared to a king who gave a… banquet... He invited people… but they would not come…. 
  • (T)hey made light of it and went away, one to his farm, another to his business…
  • People are invited to the banquet but do not come.  I am reminded of Jesus inviting people not simply to life (which we have) but to abundant life – which he offers. We miss out on the potential of what life can be.
  • On one extreme we have the folks who savor this life and the beauty and mystery of their surroundings. On the other extreme we have the busy, busy crowd, acquiring, achieving.
  • Find the balance. Savor the gift of life. That is the banquet Jesus invites us to.
  • Pastor Jon Heydenreich presides, with Jeff Herman-May assisting, Kali Taylor as reader, and Marsha Heydenreich on piano.
  • No matter who you are in your walk of faith, or where you are in that journey, you are invited to the communion table at Trinity Lutheran Church. Trinity Lutheran Church is an ELCA congregation, more or less traditional and relaxed, and a Reconciling in Christ congregation where all are welcome.
Production Date: 
Sunday, October 15, 2023 - 10:45

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