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Hush! 1/31/21

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This video is a worship service for 01-31-2021 at First Congregational Church of West Brattleboro in VT. It is for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. The scripture passage is Mark 1:21​-28 which tells the story of Jesus ridding a demon possessed man of his demons or "unclean spirits." Jesus silenced the demons and they fled from the man, thus restoring him to health/sanity. The name of the sermon is "Hush!" in which we explore the nature of our own "demons" and that through silence we might calm the noise of our chaotic world and the "demons" that possess us - anger, the inability to forgive, negativity, hopelessness and the like. Through silence we can calm our minds which enables us to hear the voice of God.


Production Date: 
Sunday, January 31, 2021 - 16:45

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