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5G’s Impact on Trees, Plants and Pollinators

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This is a 5 minute excerpt from the open public meeting at the VT Statehouse on April 18 that was hosted by EMF Safety For Vermont, which is based in Brattleboro. We came together as a group to inform the public about the serious health concerns that have come to light regarding 4G and 5G microwave radiation. There is currently a bill before the VT Senate Finance Committee and the Vermont Senate Health And Welfare Committee called H 513 that is about to be voted on and that would leave the door wide open to implementing 5G technology. The problem as we see it is that this bill is based on 20 year old outdated health studies which found no danger from EMFs (electro-magnetic frequencies), but the newer studies show serious harm to humans from the constant and increasing exposure to these EMFs, cell phones, smart meters and laptops. Of course these EMFs were not nearly as common in our lives 20 years ago as they are now. Many cities, states and countries are pushing back to stop or slow down the rushed rollout of 5G technology. The Telecom industry stands to make a great deal of money from 5G and would like to ignore or downplay the health concerns of this technology. EMF Safety For Vermont is a small dedicated group in Brattleboro, VT that is working to get the word out to all Vermonters as soon as possible before this vote happens in the statehouse. Please contact us at emfsafetyforvermont@gmail.comfor more information.

Speaker: Beverly Stone

Producer: Derrik Jordan

Videographer: John Brabant from Additional information:

Wireless Silent Spring, Cindy Russell, MD, VP Community Health, SCCMA

Impacts of radio-frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) from cell phone towers and wireless devices on biosystem and ecosystem – a review, S Sivani*, D Sudarsanam, Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology, Loyola College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

5G Radiation Dangers – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned, by Lloyd Burrell

Waldmann-Selsam, Cornelia & Puente, Alfonso & Breunig, Helmut & Balmori, Alfonso. (2016). Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile phone base stations. The Science of the total environment. 572. 554-569. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.045.

Arno Thielens, Duncan Bell, David B. Mortimore, Mark K. Greco, Luc Martens & Wout Joseph, Exposure of Insects to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from 2 to 120 GHzScientific Reports, volume 8, Article number: 3924 (2018)


Production Date: 
Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 14:30

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