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WSESU Leaders: Aug 2015, Pt 1

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Join local middle school students as they attend this annual Leadership Program, learning skills for the future from area educators, professionals, and law enforcement. Part of the Social Competency Development Initiative (more information below).

Part 1 of 8 from 2015.

The Windham Southeast Supervisory Union (WSESU) Middle School Leadership Training is part of a grade 4-12 district-wide curriculum. The curriculum partners with our academics in promoting strong social supports in our schools and multiple opportunities for older students to mentor younger students.  Over the past ten years, this curriculum has created an awareness that being part of a welcoming school community links to improved academic performance and access to higher education.  School Leadership Teams have formed in each of our eight elementary and middle schools.  These diverse student teams have the responsibility of running activities for their peers supporting an inclusive and welcoming school community.   The Middle School Leadership Training is offered each summer and also for one day in January to support these teams to be successful in their work.  For further information, please contact Diana Wahle, WSESU Developmental Assets Coordinator

Production Date: 
Sunday, August 2, 2015 - 10:00