Solr Search

Board Candidate Statements

October 3, 2016

Candidate statements for three open board seats, for election at October 6 Annual Meeting:

Alex Beck:

My name is Alex Beck, and I am a Brattleboro resident and SIT Graduate, coming from a background in Nonprofit and Social Business Management. I wrote my thesis on the impact of Information Communication Technology on NGO’s in Rwanda, where I lived and worked prior to co-founding a civic technology start-up in Downtown Rutland. I have extensive experience in community development, youth leadership, and social entrepreneurism in rural economies in the U.S and abroad. I’ve resided in Windham County for over 4 years, and currently live in Brattleboro. At BDCC, I coordinate the Southern Vermont Young Professionals, the Fast Tracks to Success High School Career Program, the Six College Collaborative, and the BDCC Business Cluster Roundtable Initiative, and am responsible for the creation, organization, and distribution of regional workforce and education opportunities for young Vermonters throughout the Windham region.

Having spent so many nights presenting at Selectboard meetings throughout Windham County, being interviewed by Chris, and watching Greater Good Entrepreneur, I know first-hand about the important work BCTV does to inform, engage, and inspire the communities it operates in. As our society relies less and less upon print media, civic and community communication is transforming at a staggering pace. I see BCTV at the cutting edge of these changes, and hope for the opportunity to be a part of the board in order to learn, support, and champion the BCTV mission.

