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2022 Jamaica Town Mtg 4/2/22

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  • 0:00:50 - The Legal voters of the Town of Jamaica in the County of Windham and State of Vermont, are hereby notified and warned to meet at 10:00 a.m. at the Town Garage in said town of Jamaica, on the first Saturday of April, April 2nd, 2022, to transact the following business and act upon the following articles:
  • 0:01:19 - Article 1: To Elect a Moderator for a term of one year
  • 0:09:38 - Article 2: To review the town report
  • 0:12:48:04 - Article 3: To elect the following officers as required by law
  •  a. Selectperson for a term of three years (by ballot)
  •  b. Selectperson for a term of one year (by ballot)
  •  c. Selectperson for a term of one year (by ballot)
  •  d. Lister for a term of three years (by ballot)
  •  e. 1st Constable for a term of one year
  •  f. 2nd Constable for a term of one year
  •  g. Trustee of Public Funds for a term of one year
  •  h. Agent to Deed Land for a term of one year
  •  i. Library Trustee for a term of five years
  •  j. Library Trustee for a term of two years
  •  k. Library Trustee for a term of two years
  •  l. School Director for West River Modified Union Education District for a term of three years
  •  m. School Director for West River Modified Union Education District for two year of a three year term
  • 0:21:09 - Article 4: Shall the town allocate $25,000 to pursue hiring a Town Administrator?
  • 0:53:54 - Article : Shall the town assess a one percent (1%) tax on sales, meals and alcoholic beverages and rooms, pursuant to 24 V.S.A.138(b)?
  • 1:12:49 - Article 6: Shall the voters in the Town of Jamaica appropriate the sum of $3,105.00 to be raised by taxes for the support of Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) to provide workforce and economic coordination services to the Windham Region
  • 1:22:41 - Article 7: To see what sum of Money the Voters will vote to pay the Town’s running expenses and how it will be collected
  • 1:26:53 - Article 8: To see if the Voters will authorize the Selectboard to borrow money in anticipation of taxes
  • 1:27:52 - Article 9: Shall the Voters authorize the Selectboard to spend “unanticipated funds such as grants, gifts and/or interest”?
  • 1:28:49 - Article 10: Shall the voters exempt the Jamaica Volunteer Fire & Rescue, Inc. Land and building from taxation for a period of five years as provided in Title 32 Section 3840 V.S.A.?
  • 1:29:06 - Article 11: To set the time for the opening of the next Annual Town Meeting, to be held on the first Tuesday in March 2023
  • 1:34:52 - Article 12: To transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting
  • 1:52:45 - Article 13 - To Adjourn
Production Date: 
Saturday, April 2, 2022 - 17:15

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