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Fear 8/9/20

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This video is a recording of our first live Outdoor Worship Service at First Congregational Church of West Brattleboro in Vermont.. Weather permitting, we will be having Outdoor Services through at least the month of September into October. In the event of rain, we will have virtual services from the sanctuary as we have done in the past. The name of the sermon is "Fear" and it is preached by Rev Audrey Walker. The scripture passage is the story of Jesus walking on the water. The disciples are frightened when they see Jesus on the water and think he is a ghost. A storm is raging as well and they are afraid. When Peter sees that it is Jesus he gets out of the boat and begins to walk on the water to him , but doubt and fear creep in and he sinks, but Jesus saves him. This sermon explores fear and the ways we need to respond to fear ie confronting our fears and trusting that we can lean on Jesus in the midst of our own storms.


Production Date: 
Sunday, August 9, 2020 - 09:45

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