Man with a Movie Camera - 1929 Russian Silent Film - with music by Dan DeWalt

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Screened in Williamsville Hall, two weeks before the general shutdown due to the appearance of COVID 19 in this country (March 2020), this nearly century old Russian film employed innovative camera techniques and ingenious editing. Dziga Vertov directed it, his brother Mikhail Kaufman filmed it and Vertov's wife Yelizaveta Svilova was tasked with editing the 1775 clips that the brothers put together. Filmed in four Russian cities over three years - Moscow, Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa, the last three being in Ukraine. MWAMC is a film about filming. The film portrays a day in the life of a Russian city as well as a day in the life of the cameraman (Mikhail Kaufman). Audiences at the time did not like the film. However, over time, many film critics have included Man with a Movie Camera in their lists of the best films ever made. Co-incidentally, MWAMC1929RSFWMBDDeW was, at last, edited by me (R.G.) and presented on Brattleboro Community Television during the week that Putin's Russia invaded the now independent country of Ukraine in February, 2022.

Production Date: 
Thursday, February 20, 2020 - 17:45