Trinity Lutheran Church 3/7/21

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We are at Trinity Lutheran Church in Brattleboro, VT. Today is March 7, 2021 and it is the Third Sunday in Lent. Our Easter-Lent theme is a "Season of Hope". Our Gospel reading today is John 2:13​-22 telling of an angry Jesus throwing the merchants out of the temple. Why was Jesus so angry? Anger is born out of pain. Pastor Randy's sermon today explores anger and its direct relationship to pain. What is the origin of anger? Injustice? Powerlessness? Pain? Do people hold onto hatred and anger because to let it go means having to face their pain? Can you/we let our pain and fear go? Presiding today is Pastor Randall Wilburn, Ron Solberg is Assistant Minister, Micaela Carlton-Newton is lector, and Laura Josephs is on piano. Ron and Laura sing a beautiful song by Karen Salveson entitled "We are Loved". Karen Salveson is the creator of beautiful services, including Advent and Lent services. This Lenten season Trinity includes special pieces and music from her beautiful Lent service.

Production Date: 
Sunday, March 7, 2021 - 14:00