The End of the Earth with Julia Carrick Dalton and Andrew Krivak

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In Andrew Krivak's The Bear is set in an Edenic future where a girl and her father live close to the land in the shadow of a lone mountain. They possess a few remnants of civilization: some books, a pane of glass, a set of flint and steel, a comb. The father teaches the girl how to fish and hunt, the secrets of the seasons and the stars. He is preparing her for an adulthood in harmony with nature, for they are the last of humankind. Julie Carrick Dalton's forthcoming debut novel, Waiting for the Night Song, is an exploration of the vagaries of friendship, a love song to the natural world, a call to fight for what we believe in, and a reminder that the truth will always rise. Interviewed by Tim Weed

Production Date: 
Friday, October 16, 2020 - 10:15