Being Poohs to the Eeyores in Need 9/13/20

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This video is about 09-13-2020 Outside Worship Service at First Congregational Church, Brattleboro, Vermont. The service is lead by Rev Audrey Walker. The title of the sermon is "Being Poohs to the Eeyores in Need." The sermon text is Luke 5:17-20. It is the story of the healing of the paralyzed man, who was lowered through the roof of a house where Jesus was healing people below. The focus of the sermon is that we need to be like Whinnie-the-Pooh who helped Eeyore find his tail. We need to help people we meet who need help, like the paralyzed man was helped by his friends.


Production Date: 
Sunday, September 13, 2020 - 14:00