2019 Vernon Town Mtg 3/4/19

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  • 00:06:00 - Call to Order
  • 00:01:25 - Legislator Update
  • 00:15:16 - ARTICLE 1: To elect the following Town Officers by AUSTRALIAN BALLOT
  • 00:15:16 - ARTICLE 2: To elect all Town School District Officers by law to be elected at the Annual Town School District Meeting. (VOTING BY AUSTRALIAN BALLOT)
  • 00:15:44 - ARTICLE 3: Shall the voter of the Vernon Town School District approve the School Board to expend $5,963,450. (VOTING BY AUSTRALIAN BALLOT)
  • 00:35:54 - ARTICLE 4: Shall the voters authorize the total general fund expenditures or operating expenses of $1,831,995.00 of which $1,538,295.00 shall be raised by taxes and $293,700.00 by estimated income?
  • 01:43:07 - ARTICLE 5:    Shall the voters appropriate a total Library fund expenditure of $82,855.00 for administration of the Vernon Free Library for which $76,000.00 shall be raised by taxes and $6,855 shall be appropriated from the Vernon Free Library Gift Fund?
  • 02:04;06 - ARTICLE 6:    To elect a Library Trustee to fill the unexpired term of one year through Town Meeting in March of 2020.
  • 02:04:56 - ARTICLE 7:    To elect a Library Trustee to fill the unexpired term of three years through Town Meeting of March 2022.
  • 02:05:52 - ARTICLE 8:     To elect a Library Trustee to fill the term of three years through Town Meeting of  March 2022.
  • 02:06:32 - ARTICLE 9:    To elect the Marsh Fund Committee.
  • 02:07:09 - ARTICLE 10:    To elect a Memorial Day Committee
  • 02:07:40 - ARTICLE 11:    Shall the voters appropriate $200,899.00 for the funding of items approved in the Capital Plan of which $193,184.00 to be raised by taxes?
  • 02:10:54 - ARTICLE 12:         Shall the voters appropriate $25,600.00 to be raised by taxes to reimburse the Emergency Capital Reserve Fund for expenses related to light replacement at the Vernon Recreation Area?
  • 02:11:57 - ARTICLE 13:    Shall the voters appropriate $100,000.00 to be raised by taxes to fund the “Town Road Upgrading Fund”?
  • 02:18:02 - ARTICLE 14:     Shall the voters appropriate $40,000.00 to be raised by taxes to fund the “Town Culvert Fund”?
  • 02:19:01 - ARTICLE 15: Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $2,500.00 to be raised by taxes to fund the “Town Parking Lots Maintenance Fund”?
  • 02:20:50 - ARTICLE 16:    Shall the voters appropriate $25,000.00 to be raised by taxes to fund the “Professional Services Fund”?02;23;38;19
  • 02:23:37 - ARTICLE 17:    Shall the voters appropriate $15,162.00 for the Windham Solid Waste District Assessment to be raised by taxes to fund the previously established “Solid Waste Fund”?
  • 02:24;45 - ARTICLE 18:     Shall the voters appropriate $63,000.00 for municipal refuse, town wide recycling and compost disposal to be raised by taxes to fund the previously established “Solid Waste Fund”?
  • 02:26:08 - ARTICLE 19:    Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to be raised by taxes to fund the previously established “Elderly Assistance Fund”?
  • 02:31:56 - ARTICLE 20:    Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $1,100.00 to be raised by taxes to fund the Vernon Historians for the purpose of records preservation, retention and promotion of history educational initiatives and insurance coverage?
  • 02:33:02 - ARTICLE 21:     Shall the voters appropriate $2000.00 to be raised by taxes to fund a public Fireworks display?
  • 02:34:35  - ARTICLE 22:    Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $6,025.00 to be raised by taxes to support the following in the designated amounts?:
  •     Senior Solutions    $800.00
  •     Health Care and Rehabilitation Services    $1,850.00
  •     The Current    $125.00
  •     Visiting Nurse & Hospice of VT & NH    $3,250.00
  • 02:42:35 - ARTICLE 23:    Shall the voters appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 to be raised by taxes for the operation of the Emergency Management Office?
  • 02:43:22 - ARTICLE 24:    Shall the voters of the Town of Vernon authorize the Selectboard to spend $110,000.00 from the Vernon Farmland Protection Fund to pay a portion of the costs that will permanently conserve 146 acres on Route 142 owned by Whitney Elms, LLC?
  • 03:06:13 - ARTICLE 25:    Shall the voters appropriate a sum of $20,000.00 to be raised by taxes to fund the previously established Vernon Farmland Protection Fund?
  • 03:13:30 - ARTICLE 26:    Shall the voters authorize payment of Real and Personal Property taxes to the Town Treasurer in three installments, with the due dates being, September 12, 2019, January 16, 2020 and May 07, 2020?
  • 03:14:29  - ARTICLE 27:    Shall the voters approve the provision of notice of availability of the Town Report and Auditor’s Report  by “postcard, mailed to all registered voters” at least 30 days prior to Town Meeting, in lieu of mailing or otherwise distributing the Town Report and Auditor’s Report as authorized by Vermont Law and 24 V.S.A. § 1682(a)(2)?
  • 03:15:53 - ARTICLE 28:To Discuss any non-binding business.
Production Date: 
Monday, March 4, 2019 - 16:00