MGFA Presents: Zea Mays Printmakers

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Zea Mays (sweet corn) is a plant known for its ability to extract heavy metal toxins from the soil through its leaves and roots. Just as this plant is being used as a natural way of restoring contaminated earth back to health, our mission is to restore the art of printmaking to a healthy art form. Zea Mays Printmaking is a printmaking studio, workshop, gallery, residency space, research and teaching facility. The studio’s mission is to honor the rich traditions of printmaking while researching and implementing practices that are safer for artists and the environment. Founded in 2000, the studio has grown into one of largest and most respected centers for green printmaking in the world. This program is the artists' talk given by four Zea Mays printmakers: Liz Chalfin (founder of Zea Mays), Judith Bowerman, Erika Radich, and Joyce Silverstone.

Production Date: 
Saturday, August 25, 2018 - 17:15