2016 Putney Town Meeting 3/1/16

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Putney Town Meeting

00:05 Representatives Mrowicki and Dean - Q&A

18:08 Article 1: To choose Town Officers - by Australian ballot

18:22 Article 2: To choose Town School District Officers - by Australian ballot

18:36  Article 3: Accept last year's Town Report

19:54 Article 4:  To act upon Town Officers reports

23:35  Article 5: To vote to provide notice of availability of auditor's report

30:43  Article 6: To elect Library trustees

33:56  Article 7:  Vote to approve Sewer Fund budget

35:28  Article 8:  To authorize borrowing for Fire Chief Vehicle

43:30  Article 9:  To authorize borrowing for Dump Truck

49:03  Article 10: To authorize expenditures for Town Hall repairs

0:57:00 Article 11: To raise and appropriate funds for SEVEDS

1:09:26  Article 12: To raise and appropriate funds for Town General Fund

1:19:05  Article 13: To raise and appropriate funds for Highway Fund

1:36:25  Putney Community Award

1:45:35  Article 14: Transact other town business

2:18:35  Adjourn Town Meeting


Putney School District Meeting

2:18:24  Call to Order - Putney Town School District Meeting

2:19:42  Sen. Jeanette White - Q&A

2:32:05  Article 15:  To determine Town School District salaries

2:39:20  Article 16: To appropriate funds from undesignated fund balance to reduce tax rate

2:54:00  Article 17: Vote to approve school budget

2:37:07  Article 18:  To transact other school business

4:45:00 Motion to Adjourn


Production Date: 
Tuesday, March 1, 2016 - 10:00