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2022 Brattleboro Rep Town Mtg 3/19/22

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  • 0:00:08 - Call meeting to order.
  • 0:02:01 - Opening Remarks: Prudence Mackinney.
  • 0:15:57 -  Preliminary Motion #1
  • I move to suspend the rules and adopt the Moderator’s “Electronic Meeting Rules”.
  • 0:29:55 - Preliminary Motion #2
  • I move that the following persons be authorized to remain in this meeting with the Selectboard and Town Meeting Members: Town Manager Yoshi Manale, Town Attorney Robert Fisher, Asst. Town Manager Patrick Moreland, and Exec. Secretary Jessica Sticklor.
  • 0:37:26 - Preliminary Motion #3
  • I move that the media and ASL be permitted to remain in this meeting.
  • 0:40:50 - ARTICLE 1: To act on the Town's Auditors' report.
  • 0:50:56 - ARTICLE 2: To see if the Town will authorize the Selectboard to employ a certified public accountant or public accountants.
  • 0:56:21 - ARTICLE 3: To see if the Town will ratify, approve and confirm the Selectboard's appointment of a Town Clerk for a term of one year.
  • 0:59:36 - ARTICLE 4: To see if the Town will ratify, approve and confirm the Selectboard's appointment of an Interim Town Treasurer for a term of up to one year.
  • 1:10:12 - ARTICLE 5: To see if the Town will ratify, approve and confirm the Selectboard's appointment of a Town Attorney for a term of one year.
  • 1:14:11 - ARTICLE 6: To elect two representatives to the Capital Grant Review Board for a term of one year. Members to be nominated from the floor.
  • 2:18:42 - ARTICLE 7: To see if the Town will elect or appoint members to the Town Finance Committee for a term of one year. Members to be nominated from the floor.
  • 2:30:33 - ARTICLE 8: To see if the Town will elect or appoint members to the Human Services Review Committee for a term of one year. Members to be nominated from the floor.
  • 2:46:18 - ARTICLE 9: To elect three Trustees for the Brooks Memorial Library to serve three years, and one Trustee to fill a two-year unexpired term.
  • 2:53:16 - ARTICLE 10: To see if the Town will authorize its Selectboard to borrow money in anticipation of taxes, grants and other revenue.
  • 2:58:00 - ARTICLE 11: To see if the Town will act upon the RTM Steering Committee report.
  • 4:16:42 - ARTICLE 12: To see if the Town will raise and appropriate a sum of $2,500 for the purpose of providing lunch to RTM Members at the 2023 Representative Town Meeting as recommended by the RTM Steering Committee.
  • 4:41:45 - ARTICLE 13: To see if the Town will elect or appoint members to the RTM Steering Committee for a term of one year for the duration of the committee.
  • 4:49:08 - ARTICLE 14: To see what compensation the Town will pay its Selectboard members.
  • 5:18:49 - ARTICLE 15: To see if the Town will transfer from the Unassigned General Fund Balance to the Capital Fund the sum of $300,000 to pay part of the cost of the FY23 Capital Request for paving.
  • 5:31:18 - ARTICLE 16: To see if the Town will appropriate the sum of $37,551 for the Community Marketing Initiative promotion of Brattleboro performed jointly by the Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Brattleboro Alliance.
  • 5:48:22 - ARTICLE 17: To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $80,000 through special assessments on properties within the Downtown Improvement District to be used for capital and operating costs.
  • 5:54:52 - ARTICLE 18: To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $275,575 to support human service programs and facilities for the residents of Brattleboro.
  • 6:10:19 - ARTICLE 19: To see if the Town will direct the Selectboard to include a specific amount of the FY24 budget to be allocated to Human Services funding.
  • 6:53:38 - ARTICLE 20: To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $131,698.86 through special assessments on property within the "Mountain Home Park Special Benefit Assessment Tax District" for the purpose of paying debt service on capital improvements to water and sewer lines serving the Mountain Home and Deepwood Mobile Home Parks.
  • 7:01:00 - ARTICLE 21: To see if the Town will authorize the expenditure of $36,552 from Program Income as a contribution to the operation of SeVEDS.
  • 7:17:44 - ARTICLE 22: To see how much money the Town will raise, appropriate and expend to defray all of its expenses and liabilities, in addition to any funds authorized for any other Articles in these Warnings.
  • 8:04:13 - ARTICLE 23: To see if the Town will authorize the sale of the Brattleboro Union Station Museum building and associated land to the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center, Inc. for One Dollar.
  • 8:31:47 - ARTICLE 24: To see if the Town will expand the purpose of the Agricultural Land Protection Fund and rename it to the Brattleboro Agricultural and Food Systems Revolving Loan and Grant Fund.
  • 8:44:14 - ARTICLE 25: To see if the Town will authorize the Selectboard to enter into Tax Stabilization Agreements with alternative energy generating plants, to fix and maintain the valuation of such properties on the Grand List.
  • 9:25:31 - ARTICLE 26: To transact any other business that may lawfully come before the meeting.
Production Date: 
Saturday, March 19, 2022 - 08:00

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