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Thanks for ordering with BCTV.

You can mail us a check with the show you want to order, or you can order electronically via PayPal.

Pay by Credit Card with PayPal

Add this show to your PayPal shopping cart, click the button below.

If you would like to get the membership rate, join now.


Pay by check:

Make your check payable to: Brattleboro Community Television

and mail to:

Brattleboro Community Television
230 Main Street, Suite 201
Brattleboro Municipal Center
Brattleboro, VT 05301

Please be sure to include how many DVD copies you would like, and also be sure to state that you are ordering the following:

Energy Week: 6/9/16 (20198) Each copy is $20.00 for Non-Members and $10.00 for BCTV Members. You can join now to get a membership rate.