Class Equity and the Tiny House Movement

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Angela Berkfield discusses the work of Equity Solutions.  They do training in schools and provide community forums economic and social inequity throughout New England.  For the Tiny House Fest 2017, they did considerable research on the use and availability of tiny houses viewed through an euity lens.

Examining voluntary simplicity by those who have plenty versus compulsory simplicity such as poverty and social disadvantage.  the workshop they held the day before looked at the U. S. economy and how some asre greatly favored but must are put at disadvantage.  They discussed how the joining of tiny house thinking from voluntary simplicity with those living with compulsory simplicity could expand choices and opportunities.  they talked about decision making processes that  often involve unconscious biases about class and equity.  They work to empower people to be active in social and political change within the housing equity issues.

Production Date: 
Sunday, September 3, 2017 - 14:30